Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Beginning.

Well, here I go. I am joining millions of other people in this online activity of "blogging". I've never really been a blog reader, which immediately makes me wonder how many people are blog writers and not blog readers. Perhaps the majority of the blogs created are only to give a voice to someone, but no one ever hears that voice because no one reads the blog.

I am a bit surprised I have come to this point of actually writing a blog. Normally I am so busy with life, that I wouldn't have time to write anything down. I am always wishing I would journal things going on in my life to look back and remember them, but for some reason I hardly ever get around to picking up a pen and writing something. I am much faster at typing than writing by hand, so hopefully this form of "journalling" will be less onerous. Hopefully this will also serve as a place for me to record thoughts about political and educational issues that I am interested in. I find I often come across an article or an idea that interests me, but I normally forget all about it.

My life is nearly always busy, and I don't anticipate taking much time to update this blog. However, at the moment I feel like a lot is going on in my life that I would like to write down; even if no one ever reads this but myself.

Here are some things that happened in the last year:
  • Got married to my wonderful wife Jordan
  • Graduated from VIU with a Bachelor of Education
  • Worked my 8th and final year as a treeplanter, having planted approximately half a million trees in my career
  • Worked a full year at Comox Valley Christian School teaching Grade 6 and Grade 8-12 photography
  • Started a side business doing photography and had my first art show and sold my first prints.

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